Thursday, February 25, 2010

Officially boycotting February

So this will be long but i dont feel like telling everything. I've been procrastinating uploading this because I need to upload the pictures from Matty's show on Sat. and the art show on Sat. So Matt was here and I was super happy. That kid really makes me feel...idk like im at home again. Aaron said he was more upset by it because he never saw me that happy and now he kinda gets why I want to be with a guy who doesnt live anywhere near me. Matt's just super laid back and he lets me deal with my problems and only gets involved when I ask him to. And he never gets too far. IDK. I like it when I have my life and he has his. We give each other support and advice but we don't feel overwhelmed and the need to take care of each other. We are both really independent people. It's nice. That was my gush <3

So we went to this art show with the band on Sat. at this great little coffee shop a few miles away from where I live. It's called Sweet Elena's [sp?] in the artsy warehouse district on Monterey, if there could be a warehouse district. The area is only four blocks haha but such is the curse of trying to make a tiny small town sound cool. haha. Then we ran around with the band and went to the show. I love their music! Go and check em out.

And he made me a pop up card for Valentines! haha got me invader Zim keychain and underwear and hair ribbons. Which may sound lame but everything was super cute and he remembered all the things i randomly point at when we went shopping this past december. That is amazing. And life has just been crazy all around. Matt's gone again and people keep getting mad at me for stupid things and I can't seem to hold my tongue any longer. And people don't like for me to make the fact that I'm mad known to them (this apparently hurts their sensitive feelings) so then i get super pissed b/c I spend hours a day listening to their problems and emotions but I can't get 5 - 10 minutes to vent at the end of a crummy day? Something is going to have to change soon. I really can't handle being all quiet and telling people I'm fine when I'm not. I'll explain more later b/c I really don't feel like it now. I have basically been unwillingly involved in two major cases so I am in and out of police stations and lawyers offices everyday.... meh.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The update.

So Matty got her yesterday! yay! haha i have pictures of him opening his valentines present but i cant upload them at present. I got him ear rings, or gauges rather. haha i buy him earrings and he cant buy them for me. its at least sorta funny. but we met up down town. i wore an adorable babydoll dress that i found for three dollars this weekend when thrift store shopping. =] so we were all cute and kissing on the sidewalk for like 30 minutes. kinda gross for passersby im sure. oh well. =p

so then we went and got food and shopped for a while and ended up at east village for open mic nite. Then aaron showed up with tesa and alex....went well actually matt and aaron seem to have a total bro-mance lol. aaron said he really respects matt and can tell we are happy together. so we sat outside and played music and sung. then me n tesa pulled a total high school moment and snuck to the car to down a bottle of whine. haha. matt came up on post and watched "Lonestar State of Mind" with me. Have you seen it? You should! Then we cuddled all night =] cant wait to get out of school to see him again!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Harry Truman

Let's see, what's happened since last we spoke? Thursday night was fun. It was the las day of work until Tuesday. Went shopping with Baney face, Whoerle, New Kid, Tesa and Alex. Then went back to Jaimee's where we preceded to get drunk. This is a common place for the drinking to happen. She lives about a block from a decent local hooka bar, Indian Summer. We always get super dressed up and go make asses of ourselves flirting our way through as many free drinks as possible and dancing all night. We didn't hit up the bar this time though.

It was all great until Aaron showed up. Him and Tesa sat outside for a good hour where he pined out his broken heart to her, making me extremely uncomfortable. Can you guess who he blames for this new found heartache? Apparently yours truly. Now before we get to pointing fingers at me and calling me all sorts of terrible names let me tell this story to you in full. Aaron got here about a week after I did. We met and I thought he was cute so we hung out and eventually we kissed. Aaron was fresh out of a relationship and was adamant about not getting into a new one. We fought all the time and so we broke up, or whatever you would like to call it. Fast forward until the end of my next non-relationship and I'm broken hearted and crying on the floor. Aaron runs to the rescue and we ar
e together again.

The big issue is I didn't know we were actually together. We were in his head but he neglected to inform me of this. I would like to put in a disclaimer for the future that if you neglect to tell me we are exclusive then I will continue to see other people until I find someone who does want to date me. Plus Aaron was still talking to two of his Ex's, which made me uncomfortable. I told him about this but he still did it. If you are in a relationship with someon
e shouldn't you respect her wishes on such a
touchy subject? So he went to jail and I met Matt. Matt likes me and wants to be with me. We can talk for days and he understands my past, which is something rare, seeing as I have a lot of it. So naturally I want to be with him. Now Aaron is back and I want to be his friend but he seems to cross the boundary lines I have set pretty frequently, leaving me to tell him to just not touch me.

Friday night: Aaron, Tesa, Alex and I were invited to a party by Stef-f-any. We pronounce it this way. We get to her apartment only to find out that she has been in a wreck, which coincidentally we were right behind on our way up to her place. So instead
of the happy little party we expected, we spent the night at the hospital. Steff is fine, possibly a broken leg, we never did find out. There were 5 other people in the car with her though. On
e guy has a broken leg, he is missing the skin that used to be a tattoo on his arm. Another guy had glass in his face. The other are ok except the driver. She had a brain hemorrhage. I don't know how she turned out. I'm hoping she is ok. She got taken all the way to San Jose to be treated. It was rough being there though. I was at the hospital with no one I knew and everyone is crying and laughing hysterically, dealing with the sudden news of it all in their own person
al ways. There were people from the wreck going around in wheel chairs in shock and freaking out and crying. The driver's family was there. Her brothers w
ere crying. Her mom was being a solid rock and dealing with everything so wonderfully. Her dad was sitting and staring at the wall like the world didn't matter. It was terrible.

When Aaron came up to get me from the hospital, we were driving home and he was ranting and raving about the stupidity of kids and how they almost killed Steff. I understand his point of view but the driver is the worst off and if anything it was her fault. He shouldn't wish anything worse on her, but he was. When people yell it makes me nauseous and scared so eventually I told him to calm down and we got into a fight. He told me to just leave him alone from now on. Oh well. I can't do anything right with that boy and I am truly sick of trying to be correct with him. So that is my weekend so far.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Well tonight started out so good. Steff got in a wreck. Some of her friends are pretty messed up. Say a prayer or whatever you do for them. Please.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Something Diana sent me.

This woman is getting ready to enter a public toilet in Houston TX.

This is the inside of said toilet.
It's a one-way piece of glass so you can see out but no one can see in.

This is a painted floor in a bathroom....
Yeah I personally would not have the guts to go pee in here.

This is a mural on the ceiling of a smokers lounge.
Mildly offensive I guess but it's pretty cool regardless.

Hope you kids enjoy this!

احب قراء

I am studying Arabic in college. And I suck at it so hard. So I have subscribed to several arabic blogs. I hope that by reading their own personal views on the world and seeing their daily struggles will help me care enough to study. Or if I am reading these things on the regular then maybe I can pick up the language a little better. =]

This is the back of my homework book. =]

Today in class, we were reading about t.v. shows and how they are controlled by the government. My teacher, herein after referred to as Heir Doctor, said, "The real controllers are Larry King and his gang of stupids." He then went on a rant about how Larry King must think he is stupid because he will watch this but if he "skips this stupid I must watch another stupid." I don't know if this makes you laugh but it does make me laugh. He is such an opinionated little guy.

Other than that I paid my bills today! YAY! apparently Sallie Mae has been dogging my credit for a while. No new car for me =/ *BUT i paid off the extra stuff that i owe. so that's good right?

Long weekend this weekend. I don't know what I want to do. I have to save money though because Matt will be here next week. I got him an awesome present for Valentines day <3 I can't wait for him to be here.I want to be all snugly in his arms again. Makes me soooo happy.

This is us.
These are our faces.
We are the coolest people you will ever meet.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hello there

So my best friend Diana told me to start up a blog. "So I can be caught up on a regular basis."
The jury is still out on why this blog is going to be any better than the invention of texting. Then Myspace. The Facebook. Now Twitter. I think it is absolutely silly that I have to remember a separate name for this blog because you can't figure out what it is I'm thinking based on all of those places.
And what happened to a simple phone call? I am unsure exactly why that doesn't work. haha oh well!

So I will use this space as a diary/emotion dump point for things that are not too private for the anonymity of the web and possibly one day get advice/ feedback on ideas and thoughts.

So here is me and what I dream:
I am 22 female living in Monterey California. I am originally from Baton Rouge. I am currently in a tangled web of relationship where I am generally unsure about what is happening. I continuously profread things and I realize i start off a lot of sentences with the word "so".

One day i want to make a place where the creative people come together. A safe haven if you will. And I want them to do what they do best: Create. Draw, paint, photograph, write, make some musics. This is my final dream. I can die happy after this.

I used to draw but now i take photos.
Welcome to glass kisses..