Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hello there

So my best friend Diana told me to start up a blog. "So I can be caught up on a regular basis."
The jury is still out on why this blog is going to be any better than the invention of texting. Then Myspace. The Facebook. Now Twitter. I think it is absolutely silly that I have to remember a separate name for this blog because you can't figure out what it is I'm thinking based on all of those places.
And what happened to a simple phone call? I am unsure exactly why that doesn't work. haha oh well!

So I will use this space as a diary/emotion dump point for things that are not too private for the anonymity of the web and possibly one day get advice/ feedback on ideas and thoughts.

So here is me and what I dream:
I am 22 female living in Monterey California. I am originally from Baton Rouge. I am currently in a tangled web of relationship where I am generally unsure about what is happening. I continuously profread things and I realize i start off a lot of sentences with the word "so".

One day i want to make a place where the creative people come together. A safe haven if you will. And I want them to do what they do best: Create. Draw, paint, photograph, write, make some musics. This is my final dream. I can die happy after this.

I used to draw but now i take photos.
Welcome to glass kisses..

1 comment:

  1. hehe you like it! & yes we have facebook, & myspace, & twitter (which I love) but this is more like writing notes back & forth but prettier...with the exception of the flamingo note which I still have of course. That's pretty hard to top! It's fun!
