Thursday, February 18, 2010

The update.

So Matty got her yesterday! yay! haha i have pictures of him opening his valentines present but i cant upload them at present. I got him ear rings, or gauges rather. haha i buy him earrings and he cant buy them for me. its at least sorta funny. but we met up down town. i wore an adorable babydoll dress that i found for three dollars this weekend when thrift store shopping. =] so we were all cute and kissing on the sidewalk for like 30 minutes. kinda gross for passersby im sure. oh well. =p

so then we went and got food and shopped for a while and ended up at east village for open mic nite. Then aaron showed up with tesa and alex....went well actually matt and aaron seem to have a total bro-mance lol. aaron said he really respects matt and can tell we are happy together. so we sat outside and played music and sung. then me n tesa pulled a total high school moment and snuck to the car to down a bottle of whine. haha. matt came up on post and watched "Lonestar State of Mind" with me. Have you seen it? You should! Then we cuddled all night =] cant wait to get out of school to see him again!

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